5 products
OPTI-FREE PureMoist Contact Lens Solution Economy Pack 300mL + 90mL
Opti-Free PureMoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution contains HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix that provides 16 hours of lens moisture keeping you comfortable for the entire day.
Biocompatible Dual Disinfection.
Polyquad and Aldox preservatives enhanced disinfection formula has activity against bacteria, fungi and Acanthamoeba that can cause eye infections.
16 hours of Lens Moisture.
For optimal lens moisture, hydration and cleaning, fill the lens case with fresh solution every time lenses are stored. Never reuse solution. This will help achieve maximum lens surface moisture for all day comfortable lens wear.
Opti-Free PureMoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution, containing HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix, is a proprietary formula that is specially designed.
OPTI-FREE PureMoist Contact Lens Solution Travel Pack 90ml
Opti-Free PureMoist Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution contains HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix that provides 16 hours of lens moisture keeping you comfortable for the entire day.
Polyquad and Aldox preservatives enhanced disinfection formula has activity against bacteria, fungi and Acanthamoeba that can cause eye infections.
For optimal lens moisture, hydration and cleaning, fill the lens case with fresh solution every time lenses are stored. Never reuse solution. This will help achieve maximum lens surface moisture for all day comfortable lens wear.
- Provides 16 hours of moisture.
- Removes lipid and protein daily for clear vision.
- Effective yet gentle formula that kills germs.
- Biocompatible Dual Disinfection.
- Multi-purpose disinfecting solution.
- Removes lipid and protein deposits daily.
- Cleans, reconditions, rinses, disinfects, stores.
Sterile A.
HydraGlyde Moisture Matrix is a proprietary wetting agent that keeps lenses moist for 16 hours.

OPTI-FREE Replenish Contact Lens Solution Economy Pack 300mL + 120mL
Opti-Free Replenish Multi-Purpose Disinfecting Solution (MPDS) is a proprietary formula that is specially designed to recondition your silicone hydrogel and other soft contact lenses so that your eyes feel fresh and moist throughout the lens wear day. Only Opti-Free Replenish MPDS contains Tearglyde proprietary dual action reconditioning system that is proven to recondition and retain moisture on the lens surface every day.
Long-lasting reconditioning agents work to keep your lenses clean and comfortable. Opti-Free Replenish MPDS is proven to retain moisture on the surface of lenses throughout the lens wearing day - every day.
Lens cleanliness
Lens surface moisture
Clear vision
Protein build-up
Lens deposits
Appearance of redness
Enhanced disinfection formula (Aldox and Polyquad) that is compatible with silicone hydrogel and soft contact lenses. Proven to kill bacteria (germs) that can cause eye infections.
For silicone hydrogel and soft contact lenses.
Cleans. Reconditions. Rinses. Disinfects. Stores.
Sterile A.